As I was writing California Love, I kept “hearing” a harp version. I asked fab multi-instrumentalist and longtime friend Roxanne Oliva if she’d like to do it and happily she said yes.

She recorded her tracks at her home studio, playing her Celtic harp, a 22 string Stoney End. She sent the tracks to me and I added parts. Next step was to Wally Sound for mixing and mastering mix. The result is a lovely instrumental, a movie soundtrack.

To listen and/or download a hi-fi version, go to our BandCamp.

I had oodles of fun playing with the theme of “hearts coming together” in the music video.


newspaper photo clipping of Rox and MagsRoxanne and I have known each other since the mid 1980s, having met at Sonoma State University. We performed together in Mixed Company, a mixed-media theater company I formed with choreographer/director Diana Keener. (I must say, the shows we produced were waaaay before their time.)

We have criss-crossed in the musical world ever since.

I particularly love that neither one of has stopped making music. Can’t keep a dedicated artist down!
Check out Roxanne’s BandCamp.