Plenty of four letter words have come to my mind over the last months with all the craziness going on in the world.

The word one I like the best is…

Enjoy and share the Mad Maggies’ latest video. It’s a gentle nudge to just do it.

While walking home today, I had the chance to enjoy, and video, a complete snow removal operation on a sunny stretch of Boulevard Saint-Michel.

What can I say? These big machines and their coordinated moves are fascinating.

I had fun putting together this short video, underscoring it with one of our tunes: “Drunken Sailor’s Hornipe – Wally’s Dub” from our album “Shake Those Bones”.

The statistics quoted are from the official City of Montreal website:

Spring is here!

For a while now, I’ve wanted to share how I go about analyzing a song, for example, if I want to transcribe it and arrange parts for the band. Today’s glorious weather inspired me to use our tune «Il Fait un Beau Soleil» (It’s a Sunny Day) to illustrate how to map song structure.

No worries, I am not talking music theory or composition how-tos here. I am simply sharing another way to see music.

You can listen to Il Fait un Beau Soleil for free over on our Bandcamp site. If you’re a musician, try playing along for fun.


Download the “Il Fait un Beausoleil” crib notes (an easy to read chord chart) .

This is the beat map, or as I call it, the bones of the tune:

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